the broken One

Breaking bricks on a broken board

Spraypaint and Acrylic marker on board, 2018

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Transforming from/to Graffiti, Urban Art and Brick Art

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Stand-alone transformation!

The spray can, the icon of the Graffiti and Street Art movement being rebuilt with plastic bricks. In a second step making some decent photos of the built spray can, serving as a blueprint for spray painting the motive on the wall, completing the cycle. Painted at the Meeting Of Styles 2017 in Wiesbaden.

And the stencil version:

Hafen Soundz

This weekend delta.triangle and I had a collaborative display at the Floating Bricks Convention in Hamburg.

Fun fact that the show was in the St. Pauli Barrio inside of the infamous Millerntorstadium.

It was a literal blast, starting with a small collaboration, extending to a layout full of sound, engineering and street art/graffiti and rounding things up with an all-nighter in diverse clubs…

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My mate delta.t built a soundsystem tower based upon Killasan‘s wall of speakerboxes. Jamaican originated soundsystem culture at it’s finest!

As a small surprise he also brought a tropical DJ booth along with a DJ and a selector.

My counterpart was a spraycan which got ‘blasted’ by the music. The spraycan being a tower of varying colour sounds echoing the acoustical sounds. The whole shape is deformed in a mix between an astral body and a bullit-like bending caused by the metal ball which is an integral part of a spraycan.

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Unfortunately the shots of the collabo are semi, as lighting and stuff had to be improvised.

String Theory

Yay, I’m back with some plastic graffiti fresh from the lab!

It started as a blueprint for using technic connectors as elements for creating letters, then I got carried away…

Layers of Paint

Last Year I was presented a fantastic material.

It was a piece of a wall, to be precise a fragment of the paint which covered the wall for the last decade or more. This massive layer of paint contains a sector of hundrends of graffiti paintings. Like sediments full of history and stories…

Although making jewellery was the aim of the workshop, I took a different path. For me, naturally, I had to pay homage to the origin. Therefore I carved out a graffiti style, highlighting the source material, making a graffiti out of graffiti paint(ed) graffities.

This can be seen as an excursion in an experimental phase. I’d like returning to this possibility eventually.

Shout out to Opty for the inspiration!


The Wasp

Every summer the swarm intelligence of wasps appears…

A quick hall of fame action using the previous painting as a backdrop, applying additional square patterns with stencils.



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Cole [lightning]

Another brickd’n’painted style.

This is a stand alone piece which allows flexibility in the arrangement.

Shown at the recent Urban Sculptures Exhibition @ Pretty Portal.


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Colours in the Streets again

This summer seems to be more dedicated to the liquid plastic rather than the bricks.

Here a commissioned work on a transformer in Muelheim a.d.Ruhr. The Art Museum asked for adaption(s) of original art work from their collection reinterpreted with the spraycan. At the location I had a chat with the owner of the shop in the background asking for his preference since he has to see it every day.

The motives are adaptions of

  • ‘Orangene Kuh’ by Franz Marc
  • ‘Der Schwimmer’ by Verso
  • ‘Coke’ by Ha Schult


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