Frames & Layers

…out in the streets again!

Over the last few weeks I was working on an installation as part of the 40° Urban Art Festival 2016 in Duesseldorf. As working outside was dependent on the weather the whole progress was stretched over a few sessions.

I was prepared for a very short life time of the installation, but the actual half life was faster than expected. Like one day after doing one part of the door, already most of it was damaged or even stolen. It would have been nice to at least complete the installation before decomposition takes place. Therefore I had to post process the photos taken and merge them into one picture in order to show at least how it would have looked like.

Nevertheless it was fun and a great experience. People passing by were throughout positive and curious.


Frames & Layers, 2016


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more Street Art and Plastic Graffiti

Dispatchwork [broken glass]

Adding a blaq’d take on the global project Dispatchwork originated by Jan Vormann. This project is authentic Street Art IMO compared to most so called Art in the Street Art and the Brick Art worlds. The open character adds to the greatness of this project as the people are equally ‘street’ as the concrete space.

If you feel compelled trying your hands on this I’d strongly encourage you. Make sure to submit your take to the project site.


– Gallery –

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