Neue Workshops und neues Design / New workshops – new design

Trotz der pandemischen Umstände kann eine Reihe von Workshops, vor Ort und online, mit ambitionierten Projektpartnern angeboten werden.

Dazu ist die Übersichtsliste aktualisiert worden. Dort sind nun alle Workshops bis Ende 2020 aufgelistet. Zusätzlich ist die Liste mit einem neuen und vor allem übersichtlichen Design überarbeitet worden. Interesse?

>>> hier geht es zu der Übersicht und hier für Anfragen

— english version —

New workshops and projects – new appearance

Despite the pandemic issues, there are a some workshops ahead, including online seminars. The list has been updated and also the design of the overview has been revised and made more visually appealing.

>>> Click for an overview and requests

Graffiti Corner

In the summer holidays I hosted a workshop with a bunch of kids in a suburb town of Monchengladbach, Germany.

Although the kids had no spraypainting experience before, they worked hard and by the end of the project we had a massive mural painted on the corner of the youth center! Big up to everybody involved and especially the kids!

It was a challenge to work a two-story wall with two sides on a corner, and I think the result is great.


The full progress:

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”374″ gal_title=”Workshop_Graffiti-MGB2020″]

And the final wall with straigtened perspective lines.

>>> If you are interested have a look here at my portfolio for further information or send me a mail for any requests. <<<

DIY Longboards 2020 in Kamp-Lintfort (Workshop)

From blank uncuts to self-designed finished boards.

Additionally this workshop was done under the star of sustainability, which was a guiding aspect alongside being an integrative workshop where refugees and established kids came together for this successful project.

With almost 40 degrees we had a seriously hot time. The kids were very keen and worked hard to achieve their own board, including shaping, cutting, grinding, coating, developing own designs and applying them, the final coating, attaching griptape and the final assemble of the trucks, bearings and wheels.

Without further ado, here are some impressions:

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”364″ gal_title=”WS Longboard 2020″]

>>> If you are interested have a look here at my portfolio for further information or send me a mail for any requests. <<<