Deities of the Ch’aak, ancient immatriculations of stone and fire…
Kinich Ahau
Plastic bricks
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”54″ gal_title=”EtB_Kinich Ahau”]
‘The fire eating through layers, the core unveils it’s content. Trapped in the eternal play between macro- and micro cosmoses.’
This is a retake, improving the quality and adding some more atmosphere.
Hot Matrjoshka
Plastic bricks & acrylic paint
2011 / 2016
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”53″ gal_title=”EtB_Hot Matrjoshka”]
This is stand alone piece as well an entity of something larger, eventually.
Off the Wall
Plastic Bricks
3.6 x 4.9 x 4.8 cm, interlocked
The stand-alone-piece consists of two perfectly interlocking sides. The two elements have many different arranging possibilities. There is also a version with barbed wire added.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”52″ gal_title=”EtB_Off the Wall”]
There is a conceptual idea beyond the stand-alone-pieces. That is creating an installation consisting of 16 same ‘Off the Wall’ pieces while each one being individual as well as being part of a larger picture… Head over to the Kickstarter campaign to find out more.
Adding some spice to the space odyssey…
Bad Boys, 2016
Plastic Bricks, glue (& graphic edit)
6.2 x 9.9 x 8.5 cm
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”43″ gal_title=”EtB_Bad Boys”]
Re-edit of a previous work for a stronger visual impact.
Virtual Fragment [re:edit], 2016
Digital edit (Processed with Mecabricks, Blender & Photoshop)